honey bree studio.
Meet Bree!
Instagram: @honeybreestudio
Website: honeybreestudio.com
If you, like me, feel like you're wandering through life amazed and aimless, grasping at the things you admire and hold beautiful, welcome. If you are mesmerized by all things great and small, from the self-dwarfing grandness of this earth to the infiniteness of the intrapersonal experience, welcome.
If you, like me, can't make a damn decision on whether you prefer a paintbrush, pencil, or tablet for your artistic tool, or if you frantically shrug when anyone asks you what your 'style' is, you're in the right place!
I don’t like to think of myself as an artist as much as just another human on an artistic journey. Welcome along!
xoxo Honey Bree